Parenting and Temperament
Guardian Parents
By Dr. Lovegood
Guardian parents are favorite punching bags. That's in part because there are so many of
them, so they are more likely to be your parent or your mate's or best friend's parent.
Also, Guardians have a tendency to believe that they are right, which no amount of
discussion can change. Not all Guardians are like this, and some actually do change
once they learn about personality types, but there are an awful lot of self-righteous
Guardians out there. That self-righteousness can wreak havoc on a tender Idealist's
mental state, engender hatred from Rationals, and rebellion from Artisans.
However, when Guardians are 'enlightened' or when they have a partner who compensates
well, they are fantastic parents. Mature parents of all types understand that people are
supposed to be different and raise their children according to the nature of each child.
Mature Guardians provide a stable home environment which is a safe haven for their children.
They offer reasonable structure which many children desperately need. Traditions, rituals,
and family habits help the family members connect with each other. A person fortunate
enough to be brought up in a mature Guardian's home generally has a strong sense of
their place in society, a lot of self-discipline and industry, and a loving family
which provides a sense of belonging.
Some of the potential problems for Guardian parents include micromanaging and
vicarious living. Guardians sometimes find it difficult to back off and let their
children learn from their own mistakes. They want to fix everything the child does
to make it perfect. Also, even when Guardians realize that other people are supposed
to be different from them, they may still want to live out their unrealized dreams
through their children.
Here are some tips on how to communicate effectively with your Guardian parent.
First, don't try to undercut their beliefs since that will just make them more
stubborn. Show respect and humility and apology as is appropriate. A rebellious
attitude is a sure-fire way to get them to dig in their heels. Respect the fact
that they have been on the earth longer than you have and have seen lots of things
you haven't. Attitude speaks much more loudly than your words.
Generally speaking with most parents, you will need to expect to spend more time
listening than talking. This shows respect for them. You can cut deals with Guardian
parents, but there are two caveats. One is that you will never live it down if you
don't hold up your end, no matter what the reason. The second is that deals are much
easier to make if you do or at least start your part first. When asking for something,
explain how that will make you a better person, citizen, or student. Be practical.